Summary was a very good and reliable source. In fact, it was one of the few websites that is taking immediate action and informing the public in all kinds of ways to prevent global warming. It gives steps that directly help prevent global warming. This website is very informative as to what global warming is, what causes it, and what to do to prevent it. It looks at all angles and offers people many ways and it offers alternative activities in peoples daily lives, which will in turn take steps to preventing global warming. Some examples the webste offers are as follows: 1) Drive less. 2) Consider investing in a hybrid or electric vehicle. 3) Replace lightbulbs with energy efficient flourescents. 4) Clean or replace your filters monthly. 5) Choose energy efficient appliances when it's time to buy new ones. 6) Decrease your air travel. 7) Wash clothes in cold water and air dry when you can. 8) Use a low flow shower head. 9) Cut down on your garbage. 10) Unplug electronics when they are not in use. 11) Run the dishwasher and washing machine only when you have a full load. 12) Insulate your home better. 13) Buy recycled paper products and recycle when you can. 14) Bring your own reusable grocery bags. 15) Plant a tree. 16) Have an energy audit done on your home. 17) Use nontoxic cleaning products. 18) Shop locally for food. 19) Keep your car tuned up to save gas. 20) Eat less meat and more organic foods. (
When I was at this website, I was really surprised to see that all of the information was provided by universities such as the University of Phoenix, as well as other educational sources. I thought that it was a very reliable source, and I was glad to see the approach that they are taking to prevent global warming, as well as inform people about it and what causes it. The website offered information on a variety of things related to global warming. There are many source to inform people what global warming is, and some offer ways to prevent it, but global seemed to have the most realistic solutions to the problem. I will definitely use this source in the future for research paperss etc.
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