Monday, April 11, 2011

Summary & Evaluation 7

"The Current State of Climate  Change Law"  Michael Gerrard
Michael Berrard says that there are three words that are best used to describe the current state of climate change law are fragmentation, uncertainty, and insufficiency.  Almost everyone who takes climate change seriously believes that comprehensive federal legislation is needed.  President Obama and the majority of the House and Senate agree, but interest groups and partisan posturing combined to form an "almost impenetarble bramble bush" .  Legal tools are also being thrown at the problem, creating more gaps and little coordination.  EPA is doing the best they can to regulate.  Many industries are having a problem planning to go green because they can't see a clear road ahead.  The legislative outcome that is practical in the near future will believe far less greenhouse gas emissions reduction than scientists tell us is needed to avoid serious climate consequences.
While reading the article, I concluded that it is a very reliable source.  It used sources that were credible, and I would definitely  use it again.  The author wrote the article very well, and it was very easy for me to follow.  The thing that I liked most about the article, is that it was opinion based, but it was all backed up with legitimate scientific evidence. I suggest people who are writing research papers to at least read some articles from this source, because it really helps to see both sides, and is a great persuasive article.

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