"Climate Change Will Hit Asia Hardest" Geographical 82 pg. 16
In the article “Climate change will hit Asia hardest”, a British risk-analysis company called Maplecroft, conducted over 40 studies to evaluate 42 social, economic and environmental factors. According to Maplecroft “the countries most at risk are characterized by high levels of poverty, dense populations, exposure to climate-related events and a reliance on flood and drought prone agricultural land”. (Geographical pg. 16) The conclusion of the studies resulted in sixteen countries being at extreme risk, and ten of them are from Asia. Bangledesh was the number one country at most risk due to high poverty levels, a high dependency on agriculture and the least of all countries to be able to adapt to climate change. The countries that have the lowest risk were mostly in Scandinavia. Also, a new study by NASA’s Goddard Institute proves that ultimately the earth’s temperature depends on the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
After reading this article, I came to the conclusion that this is a very credible source. Asia is at the highest risk because they have such a large population and have extremely high poverty levels. Making the switch to “Go Green” is an expensive transfer. Also, Asia is very reliant on agriculture, and if crop fields are flooded and seasons change, then there is going to be major consequences for Asia. I thought the information in this article is very reliable because of the sources that the article got information from. It is very easy to see that the authors of this magazine are a credible source, and I will be using this magazine in the future.
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